“The regulatory plan guideline of air defence engineering for Xinhua of Weifang”passed the expert review

In the morning of December 30, 2014, Weifang People’s Air Defense Office hosted the review meeting for” The regulatory plan guideline of air defence engineering for Xinhua of Weifang ” and another planning project.

Expert team formed by 7 people from Shandong Province, Qingdao,Weifang reviewed ” The regulatory plan guideline of air defence engineering for Xinhua of Weifang ” prepared by Research Center for Underground Space of PLA University of Science & Technology & Nanjing Wislong Urban Planning Design Co.,Ltd.. After listening to the planning report, experts and leaders believed that the technical route was clear, comprehensive, and had strong operability and good demonstration, unanimously agreed to pass the review . More than 10 departments including Weifang Planning Bureau, Land Bureau, Bureau of housing construction and Kuiwen, Weicheng District participated in the review meeting.


The planning is the first department civil air defense projects detailed plan after the completion of ” The Master Plan of Air Defence Engineering for Weifang(2011-2030)”,technical backbones were organized to try to build a template of civil air defense projects regulatory plan for Weifang City and Shandong Province.

Source: Nanjing Wislong Urban Planning Design Co.,Ltd.
Photograph & Editor:Tian Ye